What is LEXCRIM?


Lexcrim, is a training page for Scientific and Criminological dissemination of all the multidisciplinary areas that Criminology encompasses. We are always encouraged by the encouragement to spread Criminology, in all necessary fields of work without any profit motive. Lexcrim, emerged in 2019 and led us to create this brand, out of the desire to bring Criminology to the spaces where it belonged, and to be more competent and professional in our work every day.
Currently Lexcrim is made up of VICENTE LUIS PLANAS GIMENO, Bachelor of Criminology, Master in Forensic Psychology, Master in Criminology and Criminal Investigation, Master in Criminal Law, Specialist in Police Sciences, Expert in Criminal Profiling and Serial Offenders, Expert in Public Policies and Services of Intelligence. Benidorm Local Police.

How can we advise on LEXCRIM

1. We identify the criminogenic phenomena of violent crime. We refer to studying the causes that produce them and their consequences in relation to victimization, security and social alarm as a reaction to crime. 2. Detection of victim vulnerability factors, which serve as citizen protection indicators. 3. Study of the different risk factors that drive the commission of the crime, and that serve as a reference catalog for early detection and thus preventive of the commission of the crime. 4. Give special relevance to training in victim and crime prevention in education. Management teams, teachers and students, must be aware of the environmental, personal and social vulnerability factors that expose a person to be the victim of a violent crime or to commit it. 5. Inform citizens of behaviors that may pose a risk to their safety and therefore become direct or indirect victims of the different types of violent crimes. 6. Train to prevent. Inform and provide theoretical content to the social actors who are carrying out the intervention with crime victims through the victim care services that depend on public and / or private institutions. Continuous training is necessary, also aimed at the State Security Forces and Corps. 7. Advisory agent in courts and tribunals. Assessment of the risk of victim and criminal recidivism. It is necessary to make a profile of the victim and the aggressor, as well as to draw a map of the relational dynamics of both before and after the crime. This will be part of a victimological and / or victim impact report that will support the investigation and judicial assessment of the case and the event. 8. Design and drafting of prevention and protection measures for the victim and the offender based on the case studies. 9. Analysis of deficiencies in the current model of treatment for victims of violent crimes and proposals for criminological improvement. 10. Professionals who join disciplines. Encourage interrelation with all the people who work in cases of Violent Crimes, encouraging communication to be fluid and focused on the resolution of the cause. In relation to crime, the victim and violence, to be a theoretical reference for the comrades who are working in this area. Providing a new vision that helps them resolve cases. 11. Act in Psychological Autopsies as a multidisciplinary team, in the reconstruction of the crime scene and investigation of doubtful suicides that may be homicides. Give new lines of research. 12. Reconstruction of accidents and second opinion on traffic accidents. 13. Documentscopy. 14. Criminological reports of Article 376 of the CP to reduce penalties by one or two degrees for drug addiction. 15. Reports of minors about crime, recidivism, abandonment of studies and any type of abuse, Bulling 16. Sexting in the networks, harassment and sexual abuse all kinds of reports in which minors and adults are involved. 17. Pedophilia, pedophilia, stalking and all kinds of facts related to pornography and its judicial and criminal consequences. 18. Assessments of mistreated women and men in the family environment, criminological reports and counter-reports of the assessment of the risk of recidivism.
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